HACKATHONCLT MMXVIII -Runners Up in the Hack Category

To find solutions to charlotte’s economic mobility crisis


HackathonCLT was created in 2013 by Tresata as the country’s first-ever Big Data Hackathon, to spark ongoing conversations and opportunities in Charlotte’s growing technology scene. Its a team-based competition offering an opportunity to compete in three categories: HACK, CODE, and freeSTYLE. Our team participated in the Hack Category

HACK rules: For Hackathon purists, this category demands hacking, coding and analytical talent where the winners will be judged on the quality of predictions and scalability of code (remember “Big Data Hackathon”) that is able to solve the business problem.

Hackthonclt2018 Project Demo

We focussed on the following points :

  • Examined the various datasets given to tackle the problem of economic mobility in Charlotte focusing on providing a model to create affordable housing prices.
  • Performed data preprocessing on two selected datasets, identified significant attributes using correlation analysis.
  • Created two models with stepwise regression and logistic regression to predict the factors affecting the housing prices and suggested measures to make them affordable based on the analysis performed.

Check github repo for code and analysis

Written on December 27, 2018