The Game Changer

Hello Internet World! Longest time to make this post!

There comes a time in every individual’s life when he/she comes across an event which totally changes his/her perspective. Problem-solving varies from person to person because each person has a unique way of thinking, a unique way of approaching a problem. I truly believe that there an infinite number of ways to solve a given problem. In this post, I want to mention my game-changing moment and how my way of approaching towards a given problem evolved.

In March of 2018, I participated in HACKATHONCLT MMXVIII conducted in Charlotte, North Carolina. You can read more about it on the hyperlink and also check out my project submission and description here.

Usually, my approach towards solving a problem basically was to understand the question and find a possible answer. But after coming in the top 3 positions for the Hack Category, I realized how much I have evolved. I understood that the way I learn needs to evolve as well. Everyone has their own way of learning, I just want to share my way.

Steps: Learning Python in 21 days

  1. I had a lot of struggle, to begin with the process. Push yourself and just start with it.
  2. Start with basics and even if you feel just bear with it. I promise you will definitely not regret it.
  3. Keep targets on a day-to-day basis and try to accomplish them.
  4. Materials used for learning always play a key role. I personally learned the basics from codecademy and tried to solve the problems on hackerrank. Refer the following links:
  5. Stay strong and be happy. Don’t stress not getting the answer on the first go. Just remember, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.!”

Let me know in the comments below your way of learning and if my post helped you in any way!



Written on December 11, 2018